Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Being a Christian is one of the hardest decisions one can make. Technically, we end up here because we are unable to make life on our own.
The things we do, are not always right although they seem right. 

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" Gal 5:1.
What's the slavery Paul talks about? 

Have you ever looked at the things you are addicted to and asked yourself what they are doing to you? Aren't you a slave to them? You can't live without them, and you live in constant fear that something will happen to you if you try to let go. You are scared of your self image, losing your position, opening up to others and letting your weakness show. 
Isn't that fear what drives you to continue in whatever has taken a whole of you? 

Lets take a look at sexual immorality, which technically our generation is being eaten up by it? That picture that you keep staring at of that naked body, isn't it a prison to you and you can't live without staring at it? If you are away from it, you would desire to see a real figure striped naked so you can stare at them? 

Walking on a street, you see a woman with a split on her skirt and you might probably say, i wonder.....

What is it that you are suffering from that has put a chain around your neck? 

Many of us maybe enslaved by our past, and we are scared to let go and face the present as well as the future. Everyone around us, seems like a threat. Do you entertain that monster within you by giving it what it wants, thus killing yourself in the process? 

I speak not just because i am religious, nor because i have the scriptures memorized, but i speak as a woman who has experienced more than you can believe. From the outside, i may look like the perfect angel without defect or weakness. Earlier last week, i wrote about the "Stain glass," because i was fighting the demon of my past, which had to do with sexual desires. Not saying i had sex with my beloved Sandy, but letting you know, that even the outward appearance can be deceiving. 

For years, i was trapped by my past, which threatened me with fear. I was enslaved by the fear of dishonoring God, my family, friends and myself. I protected myself through masking that fear, while i was killing myself inside. 
Learning to speak to my beloved Sandy about the past, and allowing him to help me overcome it, we both found pure joy in discovering the Lord in our relationship. I am not saying temptations were not there. 
We overcame them because God was there and we constantly had great meetings with him, during meals, in the early mornings or at night before sleeping, and praying for increase in faith and strength. 

The initiative to expose my weakness, enabled me to have prayer warriors everywhere, who were willing to support us, give us courage as well as verses to read together. Being ashame of that which is killing you will not revive you, but build walls that were never meant to be built. 

As we talked and opened up to one another's weaknesses, God gave us pure joy. He gave us the wisdom to establish boundaries together. 

Saying goodbye today, made me feel like a new creation. I was happy that i had not been alone in fighting my battle. It was over, but i am without doubt that temptations will come now and then, but if we can say NO in the first phase of our strong bonding and listen to God, i can confidently say i am free. 
I look forward to happier days with God's will and plans for my life as well as Sandy's. 

I hence leave you with these verses: 

Romans 8
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will." vs 26-27
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. vs 28

He who the son sets free is free indeed. I AM FREE

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